• 陈黎明,宋宁宏*,米力努尔?艾尼瓦,杨 杰,王 巍,朱子寒,张 平.基于史密斯模型的对口支援互联网医疗建设研究△[J].江苏卫生事业管理,2024,35(5):630-634.
  • 基于史密斯模型的对口支援互联网医疗建设研究△
  • Research on Counterpart Support Internet Medical Construction Based on Smith Model△
  • 陈黎明  宋宁宏*  米力努尔?艾尼瓦  杨 杰  王 巍  朱子寒  张 平
  • DOI:
  • 中文关键词:

    史密斯模型  互联网医疗  对口支援  评价指标体系  新质生产力

  • 英文关键词:

    Smith Model  Internet Medical  Counterpart Support  Evaluation Indicator System  New Quality Productive Forces

  • 基金项目:

    健康江苏研究院 2022 年度决策咨询培育课题重点课题(江苏“组团式”援疆模式优化研究);江苏省社会科学基金项目“江苏公立医院高质量发展研究”(21EYB005)

  • 摘要点击次数: 647    全文下载次数: 412
  • 中文摘要:


  • 英文摘要:

    Based on the Smith model,the research analyzes the effectiveness of counterpart support for Internet medical construction from four aspects:idealized policies,implementing agencies,target groups and implementation environment. It is suggested that relevant departments should improve the policy system of counterpart support for Internet health care,strengthen the policy propaganda and education of target groups,improve the linkage of various implementing agencies,and improve the political,economic,social and technical environment for policy implementation. By constructing an evaluation index system,continuously optimizing the effectiveness of construction,improving patient satisfaction,and using new quality productivity to promote the continuous innovation and development of counterpart support undertakings.