王子晴,杨 雪,张 敏,杨月华,周 健*
Price Comparative Study of Maternal and Child Health Care Services in Jiangsu Province△
WANG Ziqing,YANG Xue,ZHANG Min,YANG Yuehua,ZHOU Jian*
(Jiangsu Health Development Research Center,National Health Commission Key Laboratory of Contraceptive Vigilance and Fertility Monitoring,Jiangsu Provincial Medical Key Laboratory of Fertility Protection and Health Technology Assessment)
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中文摘要: 目的:了解江苏省妇幼健康类医疗服务项目价格水平,比较和筛选价格不合理的项目,为动态调整医疗服务价格提供参考。方法:构建标化价值模型,测算服务项目价值,根据价格价值差和比值法筛选优先调价项目。结果:共测算江苏省妇幼健康类医疗服务项目72项。31项(43.06%)现行价格低于标化价值且构成比比值低于1(妇科类20项、产科类8项、计划生育类2项、康复类1项),8项(11.11%)高于标化价值且构成比比值高于1(妇科类7项、产科类1项)。筛选建议优先调升价格项目22项,调低价格项目8项。结论:比值法简洁高效。江苏省部分妇幼健康类医疗服务项目价格及比价关系不合理,建议分步分批调整,建立价值数据库,健全价格监测与动态调整机制,将医疗服务价格动态调整与DRG/DIP医保支付方式改革相结合。
中文关键词: 妇幼健康  医疗服务价格  比值法
Abstract:Objective:To understand the price level of maternal and child health care services in Jiangsu Province,compare and identify projects with unreasonable prices,provide suggestions for adjusting health care service prices. Methods:Construct a standardized value model,calculate project values,analyze price levels and comparisons,and prioritize projects for adjustment. Results:72 maternal and child health care service projects in Jiangsu were assessed. 31 projects(43.06%)have prices lower than standardized values and composition ratios below 1(20 in gynecology,8 in obstetrics,2 in family planning,1 in rehabilitation). 8 projects(11.11%)have prices higher than standardized values and composition ratios above 1(7 in gynecology,1 in obstetrics). Recommended adjustments:increase prices for 22 projects,decrease for 8 projects. Conclusion:The “ratio method” is practical. Some maternal and child health care service projects in Jiangsu have unreasonable prices. Suggested phased adjustments and establishment of a comprehensive value database and monitoring mechanism for health care service prices in Jiangsu. Combine the dynamic adjustment of health care service prices with the reform of DRG/DIP medical insurance payment methods.
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基金项目:江苏省科教能力提升工程(ZDXYS202210);江苏省妇幼健康科研项目(F202172) 江苏省科教能力提升工程(ZDXYS202210);江苏省妇幼健康科研项目(F202172)
王子晴,杨 雪,张 敏,杨月华,周 健*.江苏省妇幼健康类医疗服务项目比价研究△[J].江苏卫生事业管理,2024,35(6):757-762.
WANG Ziqing,YANG Xue,ZHANG Min,YANG Yuehua,ZHOU Jian*.Price Comparative Study of Maternal and Child Health Care Services in Jiangsu Province△[J].Jiangsu Health System Management,2024,35(6):757-762.

