• 陈贻华,季承建,米力努尔·艾尼瓦,古扎努尔·买买提,张亚丽,迪丽努尔·艾尼,邵云强,田金勇,王阳阳,杨 杰,宋宁宏*.疫情期间设置独立过渡病区作为普通病区隔离病房“前保险”策略的克州经验△[J].江苏卫生事业管理,2022,33(9):1190-1194.
  • 疫情期间设置独立过渡病区作为普通病区隔离病房“前保险”策略的克州经验△
  • Discussion on the Experience of Setting up Independent Transition Wards as “Insurance” for General Ward Isolation Wards in Kezhou during the COVID-19 Epidemic△
  • 陈贻华  季承建  米力努尔·艾尼瓦  古扎努尔·买买提  张亚丽  迪丽努尔·艾尼  邵云强  田金勇  王阳阳  杨 杰  宋宁宏*
  • DOI:
  • 中文关键词:

    新冠肺炎  过渡病区  隔离病房

  • 英文关键词:

    COVID-19,Transition Ward,Isolation Wards

  • 基金项目:


  • 摘要点击次数: 617    全文下载次数: 2
  • 中文摘要:

    目的:常态化新冠疫情防控背景下,许多未排除新冠肺炎感染的待住院患者面临“无处可去”的困境。新疆克州人民医院在防控力度不减的前提下,设置了独立的过渡病区旨在解决这一问题。方法:2020年8月起,设立与普通病房完全分开的独立过渡病区,用于收治全院未排除新冠病毒感染的待住院患者,并以泌尿外科为研究对象,分析了过渡病区的设立对患者住院过程的影响。结果:过渡病区设立前后,患者的平均住院费用分别为9 117.65元、9 234.52元,平均住院日分别为8.47±0.28天、8.21±0.31天(P > 0.05),常规检查报告时间分别为1.63±0.18天、1.87±0.21天(P < 0.05),术前平均住院时间分别为4.16±0.48天、4.49±0.42天(P > 0.05),患者满意度分别为92.56±2.41%、97.74±1.42%(P < 0.05),院内感染率分别为2.47±0.20%、2.14±0.24%(P < 0.05)。结论:独立的过渡病区设立,除术前平均时间无统计学差异外,其余指标具有明显差异,进一步降低在同一病区空间内其他患者及医护人员潜在新冠感染的可能性,为普通病区隔离病房的疫情防控起到“前保险”作用。

  • 英文摘要:

    Purpose:Against the backdrop of normal COVID-19 prevention and control,many hospitalized patients who have not ruled out COVID-19 infection face the dilemma of “nowhere to go”. Xinjiang Kezhou People’s Hospital attemptedto solve this problem bysetting up an independent transitional ward. Methods:Since August 2020,our hospital has set up an independent transitional ward completely separate from the general ward,which is used to treat all hospitalized patients who have not ruled out COVID-19virus infection.This study took the urology ward as the research object to analyze the impact of thetransition ward on the hospitalization of patients. Results:The average hospitalization cost of patients before and after the establishment of transitional ward was 9 117.65 yuan and 9 234.52 yuan,the average length of stay was 8.47±0.28 days and 8.21±0.31 days(P > 0.05),and the routine examination reporting time was 1.63±0.18 days and 1.87±0.21 days(P < 0.05),respectively. The mean preoperative hospital stay was 4.16±0.48 days and 4.49±0.42 days(P > 0.05),the patient satisfaction was 92.56±2.41% and 97.74±1.42%(P < 0.05),respectively. The nosocomial infection rates were 2.47±0.20% and 2.14±0.24%,respectively(P < 0.05). Conclusion:After the establishment of the transition ward,except for the average preoperative time,there was significant difference in other indicators.It further reduces the potential risk of COVID-19 infection for other patients and healthcare workers,so as play the role of “insurance” for epidemic prevention and control in isolation wards in general wards.