陆元琛,王 威*,陆峰泉
Assessment of Burnout and Mental Health Status of Laboratory Staff in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic△
LU Yuanchen,WANG Wei*,LU Fengquan
(The First Clinical Medical College of Xuzhou Medical University;School of Public Health;Laboratory,Jiangsu Shengze Hospital)
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中文摘要: 目的:调查新冠肺炎疫情流行期间参与新冠核酸检测的检验科医务人员的职业倦怠以及心理健康状态,为针对性制定心理干预措施提供依据。方法:运用“问卷星”手机应用软件(APP),采用自编一般资料调查表、 GAD-7广泛性焦虑障碍量表、 PHQ-9抑郁症筛查量表和中文版M氏职业倦怠量表(Malaseh Burnout Inventory,MBI),对苏州市58名参与新冠核酸检测的检验科医务人员进行问卷调查,并采用t检验、多元线性回归模型分析其影响因素。结果:职业倦怠三个维度的情绪衰竭维度、去人格化维度、个人成就感维度得分分别为(25.55±11.950)分、(8.02±5.987)分,(22.76±7.032),总分为(58.810 3±20.122 83)分。与常模相比较,情绪衰竭得分高于常模,个人成就感得分低于常模,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);单因素分析发现焦虑、抑郁、年龄、加班时长、健康水平、睡眠质量、工作压力、生活压力、工作与生活冲突、实验室内工作与职业倦怠相关性有统计学意义(P<0.05);对MBI量表总分进行多元线性回归分析,结果发现抑郁、健康水平、实验室内工作有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:疫情下医务人员的职业倦怠受抑郁、健康水平以及在实验室内工作的影响,提示在疫情下应重点关注检验科医务人员的心理健康,开展针对性的心理辅导和干预工作。
中文关键词: 职业倦怠  疫情  医务人员  抑郁  焦虑  检验科
Abstract:Objective:To investigate the burnout and psychological well-being of medical staff involved in the testing of nucleic acids during the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic,and to provide a theoretical basis for the development of targeted psychological interventions. Methods:Using the “Questionnaire Star” mobile application software(APP),self-compiled general information questionnaire,GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale,PHQ-9 Depression Screening Scale and Chinese Version of M’s Burnout Scale(Malaseh Burnout Inventory,MBI)to conduct a questionnaire survey on 58 laboratory medical staff in Suzhou who participated in the nucleic acid detection of COVID-19,and used t test and multiple linear regression model to analyze the influencing factors. Results:The three dimensions of BMI,the emotional exhaustion dimension,the depersonalization dimension,and the personal fulfillment dimension scored(25.55±11.950),(8.02±5.987),and(22.76±7.032),respectively,for a total score of(58.810 3±20.122 83). Compared with the norm,the emotional exhaustion score was higher,and the personal achievement score was lower,and the differences were statistically significant(P < 0.05). Univariate analysis found that anxiety,depression,age,overtime hours,health level,sleep quality,work stress,lifestress,work-life conflict,laboratory work and job burnout were statistically significant(P < 0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis was performed on the total score of MBI,and the results showed that depression,health level,and work in the laboratory were statistically significant(P < 0.05). Conclusion:The job burnout of medical staff during the outbreak of the pandemic is affected by depression,health level and laboratory work,suggesting that during the pandemic,we should attach significance to the mental health of laboratory medical staff,and carry out specificpsychological counseling and intervention.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金(82003484);江苏省高等学校自然科学研究(20KJB330005) 国家自然科学基金(82003484);江苏省高等学校自然科学研究(20KJB330005)
陆元琛,王 威*,陆峰泉.新冠肺炎疫情下检验科医务人员职业倦怠和心理健康状态的评估△[J].江苏卫生事业管理,2022,33(7):943-947.
LU Yuanchen,WANG Wei*,LU Fengquan.Assessment of Burnout and Mental Health Status of Laboratory Staff in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic△[J].Jiangsu Health System Management,2022,33(7):943-947.

